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honest advice for your rental issues


Welcome to Huurteam Goirle, the advice center for all rental-related questions for residents of the municipality of Goirle.

Are you renting a room, studio, apartment or house in Goirle and are you experiencing problems with your home, landlord or rental price? The Huurteam will work with you to find a suitable solution.

Have you received an annual service charge statement that you have questions about or does your landlord not provide you with insight into the actual costs incurred?

Zijn er onderhoudsgebreken in de woning die niet opgelost worden? Of heb je vragen rondom wie verantwoordelijk is voor het herstel van mankementen?

Do you want to know whether an agreement meets all legal obligations? Or do you have questions about your rights and obligations?

Are you experiencing problems with your landlord? Is there intimidation, discrimination or do you want to reach an amicable settlement?

Heb je vragen over je waarborgsom, bemiddelingskosten, huurverhoging, verhoging voorschot servicekosten, etc?
